Glossary and Index
An Implementation of J
A | 1157 | the data type of an array; the data type for a BOX array |
a | 1855 | the left argument of a verb |
a0j1 | 9 | the complex atom 0j1 |
adverb | ||
AF | 58 | the data type of a function that takes array arguments and returns an array result |
agreement | ||
AH | 16 | the number of words in the header of an array, excluding the shape |
ainf | 14 | the floating point atom _ |
AN(x) | 759 | the n part of an array (the number of atoms in the value part) |
APL | A Programming Language | |
apv(n,b,m) | 96 | the arithmetic progression vector b+m*i.n |
AR(x) | 581 | the r part of an array; the rank of an array |
array | ||
AS(x) | 477 | the s part of an array; the shape of an array |
ASCII | ||
asgn | 10 | 1 if assignment is last operation on a user input line |
assembly code | ||
ASSERT(p,e) | 822 | signal error e if proposition p is not true |
AT(x) | 733 | the t part of an array; the type of an array |
atomic representation | ||
atomic verb | ||
B | 706 | the data type for a B01 array |
B01 | 160 | Boolean array type (BOOL conflicts with C usage) |
Bernecky, Robert | ||
Berry, Paul | ||
BOX | 115 | boxed array type |
box drawing character | ||
boxed display | ||
boxed representation | ||
bp(t) | 92 | the number of bytes per atom of type t |
Burke, Chris | ||
C | 566 | the data type for a LIT array |
CMPX | 83 | complex number array type |
comparatives | ||
comparison tolerance | ||
conjunctions | ||
constants | ||
conventional function | a function that returns zero on zero arguments and on errors | |
cstr(s) | 93 | a string with value the characters in the 0-terminated string s |
df1(w,self) | 90 | apply the monad of the verb self |
df2(a,w,self) | 67 | apply the dyad of the verb self |
dictionary | ||
display | ||
DO(n,stmt) | 905 | execute n times the statement stmt, with local variable i running from 0 to n-1 |
ds(s) | 151 | the primitive whose ID is s |
enqueue(a,w) | 3 | prepare sentence w for parsing; a is wordil(w) |
EPILOG(x) | 82 | free temporary storage used since the last PROLOG, then return x |
error handling | ||
evinit | 3 | initialize the error messages |
evm | 7 | a list of the error messages |
F1(f) | 705 | define f as a monadic verb or an adverb |
F1RANK(r,f1,self) | 52 | implements monadic rank r on the verb self whose monad is f1 |
F2(f) | 326 | define f as a dyadic verb or a conjunction |
F2RANK(l,r,f2,self) | 30 | implements dyadic ranks l and r on the verb self whose dyad is f2 |
Falkoff, Adin | ||
fit | the conjunction !. that produces variants of a verb | |
FL | 115 | floating point array type |
folk(x,y,z) | 53 | implements a trident (fork conflicts with UNIX usage) |
fork | ||
foreign conjunction | ||
format | ||
formatted display | ||
free(x) | C library routine; frees memory block x previously allocated by malloc | |
fuzz | 13 | a system parameter used in domain tests |
GA(t,n,r,s) | 583 | create an array of type t of rank r and shape s, with n atoms |
gerund | ||
global variables | ||
header | the non-value parts of an array, offset, flag, max bytes, type, etc. | |
hook | ||
Hui, Roger | ||
I | 1537 | the data type of an INT array |
ID | a one-byte value that identifies a primitive | |
iden(w) | 6 | the identity function for verb w |
identity | ||
immediate execution | ||
immex(w) | 7 | "immediate execution" on w, displaying the result if the last operation is not assignment |
incunabulum | ||
inflect | ||
in-place | ||
INT | 390 | integer array type |
inv(w) | 21 | the obverse for verb w |
invamp | 3 | the obverse for verb w which is of the form x&v or v&y |
invf | 2 | a 2-row table of primitives whose obverses are also primitive |
inverse | ||
iv0 | 17 | ,2-2, the integer vector 0 |
iv1 | 18 | ,2-1, the integer vector 1 |
Iverson, Eric | ||
Iverson, Kenneth E. | ||
J | 606 | the data type for jt |
jerr | 104 | the current error number, or 0 if no current error |
jsignal(e) | 24 | signal error number e |
jt | 2557 | points to a structure of all the global variables for a J instance |
Kiln Farm | ||
linear representation | ||
LIT | 566 | literal (character) array type (CHAR conflicts with C usage) |
malloc(n) | C library routine; allocate n bytes of memory | |
marker | ||
memory management | ||
McDonnell, Eugene | ||
McIntyre, Donald | ||
mtm | 44 | the empty matrix i.0 0 |
mtv | 73 | the empty vector i.0 |
name resolution | ||
NB. | comment | |
neg1 | 22 | the integer atom _1 |
NEVM | 9 | the number of error messages |
nouns | ||
numeric display | ||
obverse | ||
one | 98 | the Boolean atom 1 |
parsing | ||
pdef | 113 | initialize the pst table |
pie | 5 | the floating point atom p (pi conflicts with C usage) |
pinit | 3 | initialize the pst table |
PREF1 | ||
PREF2 | ||
program files | ||
PROLOG | 85 | establish a checkpoint for temporary storage usage |
pst | 16 | primitive symbols definition table |
queue | data structure for parsing | |
R | 2510 | an alias for return |
rank | ||
rank1ex(w,fs,r,f1) | 16 | execute fs"r w; f1 is the monad of fs |
rank2ex(a,w,fs,l,r,f2) | 29 | execute a fs"(l,r) w; f2 is the dyad of fs |
ravel | the atoms of an array, in ravelled (row major) order | |
RE(x) | 220 | return 0 if an error is signalled in executing x |
recognized phrase | ||
representation | ||
rhematic rules | ||
RZ(x) | 1537 | return 0 if x is 0 |
sc(k) | 217 | an integer atom with value k; equivalent to sc4(INT,k) |
sc4(t,k) | 5 | an atom of type t with 4-byte value k |
scc(c) | 17 | a literal atom with value c |
scf(x) | 26 | a floating point atom with value x |
self | 148 | an array representing the current verb |
special code | ||
spell | 5 | a 3-row table defining the primitive words |
spellin(n,s) | 5 | the ID of the word in the length-n string s |
spelling | ||
spellout(c) | 19 | spell out the word whose ID is c |
stack | ||
str(n,s) | 52 | a string (literal list) of length n with value the characters pointed to by s |
SYMB | 11 | symbol table array type |
symbis(a,w,g) | 10 | assign the name a to array w in symbol table g |
symbol table | ||
symbrd(w) | 10 | retrieve the value for name w from the current symbol table |
system summary | ||
test scripts | ||
thorn1(w) | 18 | implements the monad ": |
tokens(w) | 16 | tokenize sentence w; convert w into a parse queue |
tolerance | ||
tpop(x) | 15 | free temporary storage used since the checkpoint x |
trains | ||
tree representation | ||
tstack | ||
two | 24 | the integer atom 2 |
V | 88 | the data type of a VERB array |
v1(k) | 15 | the integer vector ,k |
v2(a,b) | 72 | the integer vector a,b |
value | the atoms of an array, in ravelled (row major) order | |
variant | ||
VAV(x) | 191 | the value part of a VERB array |
vec(t,n,v) | 81 | a vector of length n of type t, with values pointed to by v |
VERB | 185 | verb array type; the type of an array representing a verb |
verb | ||
vi(x) | 45 | "verify integer", convert x to integer |
w | 3207 | the right argument of a verb |
Whitney, Arthur | ||
word formation | ||
word parallel | ||
wordil(w) | 5 | the words in sentence w as a 2-column table of index and length |
X | 130 | the data type for an XNUM array |
XNUM | 107 | extended-precision integer array type |
Z | 130 | the data type for a CMPX array |
zero | 129 | the Boolean atom 0 |